


Barcelona time zone:
Anna Wang, 說西班牙文中文和英文

China Time Zone:
聯絡人: 陳中成 Dale Chen 會計師/所長
skype: Daleccchen
wechat: Evershiinecpa
電話:+886-2-2717-0515 分機:100

子公司設立 (永輝代號:ELR-SUB)

* 最低資本額(不包含特許業務)
* 擬定營運計劃,若負責人要派到西班牙任職,因辦工作證需要;若負責人不需要派到西班牙任職則不要營運計劃。

* 流程:
1. 查名
2. 文件認證以及準備營運計劃(若負責人要派到西班牙任職)
2.1 擬定公司設立章程,股東合約若有一人以上之股東。
3. Deposit minimum capital into a bank
4. File the Articles of Association through the notary public at the local Commercial Register
5. File Trade Permit from Local Trade Office ( When special industry like restaurants and brokers)。

公證人-公司登記 (永輝代號:ELR-NTR)


工商政府規費 (永輝代號:ELR-GOV)

* Notarize the Articles of Association and Memorandum of Association
Associated Costs: EUR 250
* File the Articles of Association through the notary public at the local Commercial Register
Associated Costs: EUR 150 (registration fee) + EUR 250 (application for registration)
* Notify the local Office of Business and Standards of the establishment of the company
Associated Costs: EUR 31 for the first shareholder AND EUR 13 for each additional shareholder.
* Assume you only have one shareholder, Government fee will be EUR 681=250+150+250+31

工商代墊請款 (永輝代號:ELR-OPE)


其它計時服務 (永輝代號:ELR-HCS)


網路銀行申請服務 (永輝代號:ELI-IBA)

* 公司法定代表人於開戶時必須親自至開戶銀行一趟,攜帶護照。跟地址有關,銀行員會到場檢視,不能隨便。
* 基本上,開戶者須親自出席至。我們建議要設立網銀三個功能與角色︰製作者、檢閱者和核准者。
* 如果委任本公司作為貴公司的售後服務提供者,本公司的當地同事之一會被設置為製作者。
* 建議用戶端設立兩個銀行帳戶:
1. 第一種與母公司聯繫在一起,意味著有銀行子公司或分支機搆,所謂的「海外銀行帳戶」的國家。
如果貴公司在貴國有銀行子公司或分支機搆,可以聯繫他們做 KYC(Know Your Client)(瞭解你的用戶端)並將 KYC 檔發送到該銀行的子公司或分行。貴公司可能不需要派員在當地開戶,但這看情況,不一定都如此。
2. 第二種是當地指定的當地銀行,所謂本地銀行之一:為了節省銀行收費,就必須有本地的銀行帳戶,用於支付雇員工資、費用、預繳稅金、加值稅、企業所得稅和法定保險和退休金等。

國稅稅務證號申請 (永輝代號:ELI-FTC)


參加同業公會 (永輝代號:ELI-PIA)

* Register with the Professional Association of the relevant trade
* Time to Complete: 1 day (simultaneous with previous procedure)
* Agency: Professional Association (Berufsgenossenschaft)
* The professional associations are carriers of occupational accident insurance. Registration must be done within a week of the founding of the business after the notarization of the Articles of Association.

稅務證號申請 (永輝代號:ELI-STC)

* 申請營利事業登記字號。
* Mail out the documentation to the Tax Office:
* Time to Complete: 1 day (simultaneous with previous procedure)
* Agency: Local Tax Office
* Registration must be done within 4 weeks of the opening of the business and not later than a month after the notarization of the Articles of Association. After the Tax Office is notified of the company’s business activity by the Trade Office, the Tax Office sends the company a questionnaire requesting the company’s business data.

VAT 申請服務 (永輝代號:ELI-GTA)

German entrepreneurs must register for VAT if their turnover met or exceeded EUR17,500 in the last calendar year or if they expect to earn more than EUR50,000 in the current calendar year. A non-resident supplying goods or services in Spain is considered an entrepreneur for VAT purposes.

歐盟稅證號 (永輝代號:ELI-EORI)


健康與社會保險證號申請服務 (永輝代號:ELI-LIC)

* 當貴司雇用當地員工前,須申請健康與社會保險證號。
* Register employees for health and social insurance:
* Time to Complete::1 day (simultaneous with previous procedure)
* Agency: Social Security Office
* The Social Security and Federal Health Insurance Office notifies the local Labor Office and the annuity insurance carrier (Deutsche Rentenversicherung Bund). It also collects payment for mandatory health, unemployment, and annuity insurance.

地方政府勞動局 (永輝代號:ELI-LAB)

* Before you recruit local employee, the company need to apply this.
* Notify the local Labor Office of the establishment of the company
* Time to Complete: 1 day (simultaneous with previous procedure)
* Agency: Local Labor Office
* The notification can be in writing and/or over the phone. The Labor Office assigns an eight-digit operating number, which is needed to report to the Social Security Office.

啟動公司業務申請服務之政府規費 (永輝代號:ELI-GOV)


啟動公司業務申請服務之代墊款 (永輝代號:ELI-OPE)


Spain foreign-owned incorporation Procedures
(digested from World Bank: www.doingbusiness.com 2021/0610)

Check company’s name at the local chamber of industry and commerce
Agency : Chamber of Industry & Commerce

為避免註冊延誤,企業家可在柏林工商會的網頁上檢查公司名稱的可用性。如要求書面同意,費用為 25 歐元,通過電話提供口頭訊息是免費的。

To avoid delays with registration, entrepreneurs check availability of company name on the webpage of the Berlin Chamber of Industry and Commerce. In case of requesting a written consent, it costs EUR 25, oral information over the phone is free of charge.
Less than one day (online procedure)

機構 : 民法公證人
Notarize the Articles of Association and Memorandum of Association
Agency : Civil Law Notary

– 高達 30.000 歐元的股本:250 歐元
– 從 30.001 歐元到 50.000 歐元的股本:每註冊 5.000 歐元的股本,費用增加 20 歐元
– 從 50.001 歐元到 200.000 歐元的股本:每註冊 15.000 歐元的股本,費用增加 54 歐元
– 從 200.001 歐元到 500.000 歐元的股本:每註冊 30.000 歐元的股本,費用增加 100 歐元。

– 協議的執行(公證人):樣品有限責任公司 392,50 歐元
– 將申請信息強制轉換為 XML 格式(公證人):樣品有限責任公司為 235,50 歐元
– 1 歐元線上出版費

First, the notarization of the articles of association for a GmbH follow this schedule:
– Up to EUR 30.000 share capital: EUR 250
– From EUR 30.001 to EUR 50.000 share capital: the fee increases by EUR 20 for each EUR 5.000 of share capital to be registered
– From EUR 50.001 to EUR 200.000 share capital: the fee increases by EUR 54 for each EUR 15.000 of share capital to be registered
– From EUR 200.001 to EUR 500.000 share capital: the fee increases by EUR 100 for each EUR 30.000 of share capital to be registered.
In addition to the notarization cost for the articles of association, there are other fees to be paid:
– Execution of the agreement (notary public): EUR 392,50 for the sample GmbH
– Mandatory transformation of the application information into XML-format (notary public): EUR 235,50 for the sample GmbH
– EUR 1 publication fee for the online publication
1 day
See procedure details

機構 : 銀行
Deposit minimum capital into a bank
Agency : Bank
對於有限責任公司,根據 § 7 (2) 有限責任公司,必須在註冊前支付至少 25% 的初始資本,如果更高,至少為最低資本的一半,即 12,500 歐元。
In the case of a GmbH, pursuant to § 7 (2) GmbH, at least 25 % of the initial capital must be paid-in before registration or, if higher, at least half of the minimum capital, i.e. EUR 12,500.
1 day

File the Articles of Association through the notary public and register the company with the local Commercial Register
Agency : Local Commercial Register


  • 由總經理簽署的商業登記申請書,由公證人證明
  • 公證的公司章程
  • 任命董事的契約,如果未包含在公司契約中
  • 公司股東名單
  • 總經理保證法定最低實收資本已支付給管理層的自由處置;包含在申請中 根據適用的註冊法,商業登記處必須立即決定公司的註冊。

商業登記處在中央電子平台 (www.handelsregister.de) 上公佈登記情況,並通知當地工商會新公司。
自 2018 年起,必須披露實益擁有人的詳細信息,例如姓名、出生日期、居住地以及商業利益的性質和範圍。
透明度登記要求登記 GmbH 或 UG 的受益所有人(定義為直接或間接持有 (i) 超過 25% 的股份,(ii) 控制超過 25% 的投票權的任何自然人)的信息權利或 (iii) 以類似方式行使控制權。
3 天 150 歐元(註冊費)+ 250 歐元(提交股東名單)

Notary must submit to the Commercial Register by electronic form:

    • application to the commercial register executed by the managing director(s) with the signatures certified by a notary public
    • the notarized articles of association
    • the deed of appointment of the directors, if not included in the incorporation deed
    • a list of the company’s shareholders
    • the assurance by the managing director(s) that the statutory minimum paid-in capital has been paid in to the free disposition of the management; included in application Pursuant to the applicable registration laws, the Commercial Register must decide on the company’s registration without undue delay.

The Commercial Register publishes the registration on a central electronic platform (www.handelsregister.de) and notifies the local Chamber of Industry and Commerce of the new company.

Since 2018, details of beneficial owners such as name, date of birth, place of residence as well as nature and scope of the commercial interest must be disclosed.
The transparency register requires the registration of information for a GmbH’s or UG’s beneficial owner (who is defined as any natural person who directly or indirectly holds (i) more than 25 % of the shares, (ii) controls more than 25 % of the voting rights or (iii) exercises control in a comparable manner.
3 days EUR 150 (registration fee) + EUR 250 (filing of shareholder list)

機構 : 地方貿易部 (Gewerbeamt)
Notify the local Office of Business and Standards of the establishment of the company
Agency : Local Trade Department (Gewerbeamt)

如果不需要此類許可證,初創公司只需通知頒發貿易許可證 (Gewerbeschein) 的當地貿易辦公室。
第一任法定代表人,費用 31 歐元

Certain businesses (e.g., restaurants and brokers) must apply for a trading permit
However, the permit does not have to be presented at the time of the registration of the GmbH at the commercial register.
If no such permit is required, start-up companies must simply notify the local Trade Office, which issues a trading license (Gewerbeschein).
This notification procedure also covers registration formalities with the Central Statistical Office, the relevant Chamber of Industry and Commerce, the local Labor Office, the Social Security and Federal Health Insurance Office.
Less than a day, online procedure (simultaneous with procedures 6, 7, 8, 9)
EUR 31 for the first legal representative

Register with the Professional Association of the relevant trade
Agency : Professional Association (Berufsgenossenschaft)

The professional associations are carriers of occupational accident insurance.
Registration must be done within a week of the founding of the business after the notarization of the Articles of Association.
Less than a day, online procedure (simultaneous with procedures 5, 7, 8,9)

機構 : 地方勞工局
Notify the local Labor Office of the establishment of the company
Agency : Local Labor Office

可以透過線上、書面或電話通知。 勞工局會分配一個八位數的作業編號,需要向社會安全局報告。
The notification can be online, in writing or over the phone.
The Labor Office assigns an eight-digit operating number, which is needed to report to the Social Security Office.
Less than a day, online procedure (simultaneous with procedures 5, 6, 8,9)

機構 : 社會安全局
Register employees for health and social insurance
Agency : Social Security Office

然後,企業家使用健康保險公司提供的特定數據傳輸程序 (sv.net) 以電子方式為員工註冊健康保險。

Each employee chooses a health insurance company and notifies the employer thereof.
The entrepreneur then registers the employee with health insurance electronically by using a specific data transfer program (sv.net) which is provided by the health insurance companies.
The health insurance company then notifies the annuity insurance carrier.
It also collects payments for other social security agencies.
Less than a day, online procedure (simultaneous with procedures 5, 6, 7,9)

機構 : 地方稅務局
Register with the local Tax Office and obtain VAT number
Agency : Local Tax Office

註冊必須在營業後 4 週內完成,最遲不得晚於公司章程公證後的一個月。


Registration must be done within 4 weeks of the opening of the business and not later than a month after the notarization of the Articles of Association.
After the Tax Office is notified of the company’s business activity by the Trade Office, the Tax Office sends the company a questionnaire requesting the company’s business data.
In addition, the VAT application is part of the general documentation that needs to be submitted to the competent local Tax Office and can be done fully online.

The application will be forwarded automatically to the Federal Central Tax Office.
The application and issuance of the VAT number is free of charge.
Less than a day, online procedure (simultaneous with procedures 5, 6, 7,8)


Barcelona time zone:
Anna Wang, 說西班牙文中文和英文

China Time Zone:
聯絡人: 陳中成 Dale Chen 會計師/所長
skype: Daleccchen
wechat: Evershiinecpa
電話:+886-2-2717-0515 分機:100

所長 Principal Partner:
陳中成 Dale C.C. Chen;
會計師 in 台灣+中國+英國/企管碩士+企管博士/台灣專利師;
CPA in Taiwan+China+UK/ MBA+DBA/ Patent Attorney in Taiwan;
Mobile: +86-139-1048-6278 in China ;
Mobile:+886-933920199 in Taipei;
Wechat ID: evershiinecpa ;
Line ID:evershinecpa;
Skype:daleccchen ;
Linkedin Address:  Dale Chen Linkedin

柏林; 斯圖加特;布拉格;布加勒斯特;班加羅爾;泗水;
永輝潛在可服務城市 (2個月籌備期):
Evershine is local Partner of ADP Streamline® in Taiwan.

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