


Barcelona time zone:
Anna Wang, 說西班牙文中文和英文

China Time Zone:
聯絡人: 陳中成 Dale Chen 會計師/所長
skype: Daleccchen
wechat: Evershiinecpa
電話:+886-2-2717-0515 分機:100

文章目錄 點擊收合


時間:2022/10/28 drafted by Yvonne Chen


What are the categories of medical devices in Spain? What is its official name? What is the intensity of management of different categories? What is the governmental authority of medical devices? Website?
Evershine RD:
在西班牙,西班牙藥品和保健品局 (AEMPS)是醫療器材的監管機構。

•I 類:最低風險類別
•IIa 類:中度/潛在風險
•IIb 類:潛在高/顯著風險
•III 類:最高風險類別

In Spain, the Spanish Agency for Medicines and Healthcare Products (AEMPS) is the regulatory agency for medical devices.
Medical device means any instrument, device, equipment, computer program, material or other article used alone or in combination with the human body for specific diagnostic and/or therapeutic purposes:

  1. Diagnosis, prevention, control, treatment or alleviation of disease
  2. Second diagnosis, control, treatment, mitigation or compensation of injury/deficiency
  3. The third inspection, replacement or modification of structural anatomy or physiological processes
  4. Article 4 Regulation of Conception
    Applied to in vitro examinations of the human body, including organs, blood and tissues, and which cannot achieve their main intended role in or within the human body through pharmacological, immunological or metabolic means, but can assist their functions through these medical devices.

Products are divided into Class I, Class IIa, Class IIb and Class III
•Class I: Lowest risk category
Products that do not come into contact with the patient or come into contact only with intact skin, products that enter through a body opening (such as the mouth or nose) for temporary use.
•Class IIa: Moderate/Potential Risk
Includes products that are introduced into the body through body orifices or surgically (i.e. through the skin) but are not intended to remain there. There are also products that provide energy or substances, or substances that alter physiological processes, as long as they are not done in a potentially dangerous way.
•Class IIb: Potentially high/significant risk
Includes some implantable products, products that can affect physiological processes or administer substances in potentially dangerous ways, and products used to diagnose vital functions.
•Class III: Highest risk category
Includes some implantable products, products intended to come into contact with the central nervous system or central circulatory system for therapeutic or diagnostic purposes, products containing medicinal substances, completely absorbed products, and products containing animal derivatives.



If a foreign company wants to sell medical devices in Spain, no matter if it sets up a 100% subsidiary or branch, does it need to obtain an approval from local health bureau before the company’s registration? If so, what are the requests? What are the required documents and application procedures? Website?
Evershine RD:
No business license.



外國公司要到西班牙銷售醫療器材,可以指派西班牙公司擔任營業代理人銷售嗎? 擔任營業代理人,其必要條件是什麼?所需文件及申請程序為何?外國公司與營業代理人的產品責任為何?網頁?

If a foreign company wants to sell medical devices in Spain, can it assign an Spain company to act as a business agent? What are the requests for acting as a business agent? What are the required documents and application procedures? What is the product liability of foreign companies and the business agents? Website?
Evershine RD:


The sales agent needs to be a legal company located in an EU country and part of the supply chain operating within the EU, and must ensure that medical devices comply with EU CE standards and assume the obligations of a distributor.

Before introducing a product, the sales agent should ensure that the product has the CE mark (if applicable), and that the manufacturer has designated a representative in the EU, has conducted the corresponding conformity assessment and has prepared the required technical documents.

Product Safety
The manufacturer shall assume the responsibility for supervision, but if this is not done, the authorized representative, importer or distributor must immediately send a notification to the Spanish Agency for Medicines and Health Products upon becoming aware of the following facts and inform them of corrective measures.

  1. Any defective operation or alteration in the characteristics or performance of the product, as well as any inadequacy of the labeling or instructions for use, may cause or may have caused a serious deterioration of the patient or health condition.
  2. Any technical or health reasons related to the characteristics or performance of the product prompt the manufacturer to take systematic measures against similar products.




Do foreign companies need to apply for an approval before importing medical devices sold to Spain? If yes, which authority is in charge? What documents are required? What is the application process? Do medical devices packaging and labeling require prior approval? Which languages are allowed? Website?
Evershine RD:

.醫療器材命名法 (CND) 代碼等
.產品類別證書: 歐盟型式檢驗證書、歐盟技術文件證書、 歐盟產品驗證證書。
.品質等級證書:歐盟品質管理體系證書、歐盟品質保證證書、 歐盟生產品質保證證書。

.該產品的組成部分含有源自人體血液的物質 (如果適用)。

Medical devices need to be registered on the EU website (EUDAMED) as a company in Spain or an EU member state, and the product must be registered in one of the EU member states.

EU (EUDAMED) registration process

  1. Role registration (manufacturer/authorized representative/importer)
    .Company name/Applicant name
    .Contact number, email
    .Country, city, street, postal code, etc.
    2.UDI/Device Registration
    .Manufacturer’s name, address
    .Risk level
    .Measurement function (yes/no)
    .Reusable surgical equipment (yes/no)
    .Active device (yes/no)
    .Identify device model
    .Technical documentation or certificate/declaration of conformity
    .Equipment Quantity
    .Use unit
    .Clinical scale
    .Additional product description
    .Single use (yes/no)
    .Maximum number of reuses
    .Whether sterilization is required
    .Contains latex (yes/no)
    .CMR/endocrine disruptors
    .Medical Device Nomenclature (CND) codes, etc.
  2. Certificates and Notified Bodies
    .Product category certificates: EU type inspection certificate, EU technical document certificate, EU product verification certificate.
    .Quality grade certificate: EU Quality Management System Certificate, EU Quality Assurance Certificate, EU Production Quality Assurance Certificate.
  3. Clinical investigation and performance studies (under development)
  4. Warning and post-market surveillance (under development)
  5. Market supervision (under development)
  6. The license issued by the EU is valid for 5 years.

Both documents and labels must be in Spanish and must contain the following information:
.Manufacturer’s name or company name and address. For products imported into EU territory and intended for distribution therein, if the manufacturer does not have a registered office in the EU, the label, outer packaging or instructions for use must also include the name and address of the authorized representative.
.Information needed to identify the product and package contents, especially to the user.
.Where appropriate, use the term sterile.
.The batch code is preceded by the word batch or a serial number, as appropriate.
.The date the product is completely safe, expressed in months and years.
.Instructions that the product is for single use must be consistent (if applicable).
.If it is a customized product, the customized product must be indicated.
.If it is a product for clinical research, it must be stated that it is for clinical research only.
.Specific storage and/or preservation conditions.
.Special instructions for use.
.Any warnings and/or precautions that must be taken.
.Sterilization method (if applicable).
.This product contains components derived from human blood, where applicable.
.If the intended use of a product is not obvious to the user, the manufacturer must state this clearly in the label and instructions for use.
.Where reasonably practicable, products and their separable components must be identified on a batch-by-batch basis so that appropriate measures can be taken to detect possible risks associated with the product and its separable components.
Instructions for use must include the following, where appropriate:
.Possible adverse side effects.
.If a product must be installed or connected to other healthcare products or devices to achieve its intended purpose, it must contain sufficient information about its characteristics to identify the correct product or device to be used so that the combination can be used safely.
.All information that verifies that the product is installed correctly, operates completely safely, and how frequently maintenance and calibration must be performed permanently to ensure that the product maintains good performance and safety.
.Information to help avoid certain risks associated with product implementation, if applicable.
.Information about the risk of interference associated with the presence of products under particular investigation or treatment.
.Necessary instructions in the event of damage to sterile packaging, and appropriate resterilization methods, if applicable.
.Appropriate procedures for reuse, including cleaning, disinfection, conditioning, and when applicable, sterilization methods (if required), and limiting the number of reuses.
.If a product must be sterilized before use, cleaning and sterilization instructions must be developed.
.If the product is intended for single use only, the characteristics and technical factors should be provided that are known to present risks if the product is used again.
.Information about any additional processing or operations that must be performed before using the product.
.When a product emits radiation for medical purposes, information related to the nature, type, intensity and distribution of that radiation.
.Instructions for use must include information that allows the healthcare provider to inform the patient of contraindications and precautions to be taken.




Can a foreign company apply for a product license by its own name? If yes, which authority is in charge? What documents are required? What is the application process? Do medical devices packaging and labeling require prior approval? Which languages are allowed?? Website?
Evershine RD:

.醫療器材命名法 (CND) 代碼等
.產品類別證書: 歐盟型式檢驗證書、歐盟技術文件證書、 歐盟產品驗證證書。
.品質等級證書:歐盟品質管理體系證書、歐盟品質保證證書、 歐盟生產品質保證證書。

.該產品的組成部分含有源自人體血液的物質 (如果適用)。

No, you need to register the medical device on the EU website (EUDAMED) as a company in Spain or an EU member state, and register the product in one of the EU member states.

EU (EUDAMED) registration process

  1. Role registration (manufacturer/authorized representative/importer)
    .Company name/Applicant name
    .Contact number, email
    .Country, city, street, postal code, etc.
    2.UDI/Device Registration
    .Manufacturer’s name, address
    .Risk level
    .Measurement function (yes/no)
    .Reusable surgical equipment (yes/no)
    .Active device (yes/no)
    .Identify device model
    .Technical documentation or certificate/declaration of conformity
    .Equipment Quantity
    .Use unit
    .Clinical scale
    .Additional product description
    .Single use (yes/no)
    .Maximum number of reuses
    .Whether sterilization is required
    .Contains latex (yes/no)
    .CMR/endocrine disruptors
    .Medical Device Nomenclature (CND) codes, etc.
  2. Certificates and Notified Bodies
    .Product category certificates: EU type inspection certificate, EU technical document certificate, EU product verification certificate.
    .Quality grade certificate: EU Quality Management System Certificate, EU Quality Assurance Certificate, EU Production Quality Assurance Certificate.
    4.Clinical investigation and performance studies (under development)
  3. Warning and post-market surveillance (under development)
  4. Market supervision (under development)
  5. The license issued by the EU is valid for 5 years.

Both documents and labels must be in Spanish and must contain the following information:
.Manufacturer’s name or company name and address. For products imported into EU territory and intended for distribution therein, if the manufacturer does not have a registered office in the EU, the label, outer packaging or instructions for use must also include the name and address of the authorized representative.
.Information needed to identify the product and package contents, especially to the user.
.Where appropriate, use the term sterile.
.The batch code is preceded by the word batch or a serial number, as appropriate.
.The date the product is completely safe, expressed in months and years.
.Instructions that the product is for single use must be consistent (if applicable).
.If it is a customized product, the customized product must be indicated.
.If it is a product for clinical research, it must be stated that it is for clinical research only.
.Specific storage and/or preservation conditions.
.Special instructions for use.
.Any warnings and/or precautions that must be taken.
.Sterilization method (if applicable).
.This product contains components derived from human blood, where applicable.
.If the intended use of a product is not obvious to the user, the manufacturer must state this clearly in the label and instructions for use.
.Where reasonably practicable, products and their separable components must be identified on a batch-by-batch basis so that appropriate measures can be taken to detect possible risks associated with the product and its separable components.
Instructions for use must include the following, where appropriate:
.Possible adverse side effects.
.If a product must be installed or connected to other healthcare products or devices to achieve its intended purpose, it must contain sufficient information about its characteristics to identify the correct product or device to be used so that the combination can be used safely.
.All information that verifies that the product is installed correctly, operates completely safely, and how frequently maintenance and calibration must be performed permanently to ensure that the product maintains good performance and safety.
.Information to help avoid certain risks associated with product implementation, if applicable.
.Information about the risk of interference associated with the presence of products under particular investigation or treatment.
.Necessary instructions in the event of damage to sterile packaging, and appropriate resterilization methods, if applicable.
.Appropriate procedures for reuse, including cleaning, disinfection, conditioning, and when applicable, sterilization methods (if required), and limiting the number of reuses.
.If a product must be sterilized before use, cleaning and sterilization instructions must be developed.
.If the product is intended for single use only, the characteristics and technical factors should be provided that are known to present risks if the product is used again.
.Information about any additional processing or operations that must be performed before using the product.
.When a product emits radiation for medical purposes, information related to the nature, type, intensity and distribution of that radiation.
.Instructions for use must include information that allows the healthcare provider to inform the patient of contraindications and precautions to be taken.




What documents are required when importing approved medical devices into Spain? What is the procedure? Any preparation is required to submit to the Ministry of Health and Welfare for selling products? Website?
Evershine RD:
從第三國進口醫療器材和產品,需取得西班牙藥品和醫療器材局(AEMPS) 頒發的進口許可證。
.擁有 AEMPS 批准的內部或外包倉儲,倉庫的大小將取決於公司的活動和所涉及的產品類型。


  1. 經濟經營者註冊和識別(EORI)
    向西班牙海關( OEA )申請取得 EORI 號碼
  2. 報關
    單一行政文件 (SAD)
  3. 清關所需文件
    .商業發票副本 (西班牙語)

1.任何自然人或法人首次在西班牙境內提供 IIa、IIb 或 III 類產品供分銷和/或使用時,應向西班牙藥品和保健品管理局聯繫。
.CE 標誌、應用附件和 CE 合格證書副本的評定指定機構辨識號碼

Importing medical equipment and products from third countries requires an import license issued by the Spanish Agency for Medicines and Medical Devices (AEMPS).

  1. Applicant: natural person or legal person
  2. Application webpage: https://sede.aemps.gob.es/en/procedimientos-y-servicios/tramites-mas-usados.html
  3. Import license period: 3 to 6 months
  4. Documents
    .Technical Report: Describes how to comply with current regulations in terms of facilities, processes and certifications.
    .With AEMPS approved in-house or outsourced warehousing, the size of the warehouse will depend on the company’s activities and the types of products involved.
    .Have a qualified person responsible for batch release and distribution, among other duties. Companies are not allowed to sell imported products without authorization from qualified personnel.


  1. Economic Operator Registration and Identification (EORI)
    Apply to Spanish Customs (OEA) to obtain an EORI number
    URL: https://sede.agenciatributaria.gob.es/Sede/inicio.html
    Application content
    .Natural person: passport or other valid identity document; company name/name of responsible person
    .Spanish tax residence.
    .Creation date/birthday
    .Personnel type: natural person/legal person/group
    .Address, phone number, email
    .Contact information, contact name, address, telephone number, fax number, email
    .Business registration certificate
    .If the applicant is not a natural person, nor is he the legal representative of a legal person or group that has been granted an EORI code, he must submit: the original notarized power of attorney, and the original power of attorney.
    .4-digit code of the economic activity sector: the 4-digit code of the main economic activity in the Statistical Classification of Economic Activity in the European Union (NACE) indicated in the commercial register
  2. Customs declaration
    Declaration form content
    .Operator’s name and EORI
    .Customs clearance office code
    .Customs declaration office code
    .Package quantity
    .Sender’s name and address, Recipient’s name and address
    .Commercial description of the product
    .Total mass in kilograms
    .Country of origin code
    .Invoice value and currency
    .Import declaration, etc.
    Single Administrative Document (SAD)
    .Means of transportation and country at departure
    .Transit transport, country
    .Transportation method
    .Business number
    .Payment method
    .Destination code
    .Terms of Delivery
    .Nature of transaction
    .Container number, sealing sticker and serial number
    .Product code, weight
    .Tax calculation
    .Arrival date
    .Declarant etc.
  3. Documents required for customs clearance
    .Copy of commercial invoice (Spanish)
    .Declaration of origin

Marketing Notice

  1. Any natural or legal person offering for the first time a product of category IIa, IIb or III for distribution and/or use in Spain should contact the Spanish Agency for Medicines and Health Products.
    3.Notification content
    .Identity data of natural/legal persons
    .Product category
    .The commercial name of the product in Spain and the commercial name of the product sold in the EU (if different from the first name)
    .Product categories, types and models
    .Product description and intended use
    .Information about the manufacturer, manufacturing location and its authorized representative (if applicable)
    .Identification number of the notified body for CE marking, application accessories and copy of CE certificate of conformity
    .Notified body certified labels and instructions for use
    .Labels and instructions for use (Spanish) for products to be sold in Spain
    .Date of launch or entry into service in Spain
    .Spanish dealer’s identity information


西班牙醫療器材審核機構,需要附上的實驗室檢驗資料有哪些? 網頁?

What are the laboratory inspection materials that need to be attached for verification? Website?
Evershine RD:

  1. CE驗證是製造商或其授權代表確保並聲明產品符合CE型式檢驗規定。
  2. 製造程序保證產品符合 CE 型式檢驗證書中所述的類型以及適用法令要求,且在開始製造之前,必須準備製造程序文件。
    10.製造商或其授權代表必須向國家當局提供該產品至少 5 年的期限,如果是可植入產品,則在最後一個產品製造完成後至少 15 年。

1.適用於 IIa 類產品。
2.製造商應透過合格聲明確保並聲明 IIa 類產品是按照技術文件製造的,並符合要求法令。
3.機構進行的驗證將以 IIa 類產品與技術文件的符合性為目標。

CE certification

  1. CE verification is when the manufacturer or its authorized representative ensures and declares that the product complies with CE type inspection regulations.
  2. The manufacturing process ensures that the product conforms to the type described in the CE type examination certificate and applicable statutory requirements, and before starting manufacturing, manufacturing process documentation must be prepared.
  3. For sterile products, the sterile conditions and manufacturing maintenance must be determined.
  4. The manufacturer should commit to establishing and maintaining the latest system procedures.
  5. All products shall be individually inspected and shall be subjected to appropriate tests defined in the standard or equivalent tests to verify that they conform to the type described in the inspection certificate (if applicable)
  6. The notified body shall place or arrange its number on each approved product and issue a written certificate of conformity corresponding to the tests performed.
  7. Manufacturers will display manufactured products in homogeneous batches.
  8. Randomly select samples from each batch of products and inspect them individually.
  9. Statistical control of the product will be carried out through attributes and/or variables.
  10. The manufacturer or his authorized representative must make the product available to the national authorities for a period of at least 5 years, or in the case of implantable products, at least 15 years after the last product was manufactured.

Declaration of conformity

  1. Applicable to Class IIa products.
  2. The manufacturer should ensure and declare through a declaration of conformity that Class IIa products are manufactured in accordance with technical documents and comply with required regulations.
  3. The verification conducted by the agency will target the conformity of Class IIa products with technical documentation.





After a foreign subsidiary imports medical devices and entrusts a distributor in Spain to sell it, does the distributor need a medical devices business license? What are the respective responsibilities of foreign subsidiaries and distributors if cosmetic products have quality defects? Is it joint liability? Or can the responsibility of the foreign subsidiary be regulated?
Evershine RD:


No business license.
Product Safety
The manufacturer shall assume the responsibility for supervision, but if this is not done, the authorized representative, importer or distributor must immediately send a notification to the Spanish Agency for Medicines and Health Products upon becoming aware of the following facts and inform them of corrective measures.

  1. Any defective operation or alteration in the characteristics or performance of the product, as well as any inadequacy of the labeling or instructions for use, may cause or may have caused a serious deterioration of the patient or health condition.
  2. Any technical or health reasons related to the characteristics or performance of the product prompt the manufacturer to take systematic measures against similar products.





Barcelona time zone:
Anna Wang, 說西班牙文中文和英文

China Time Zone:
聯絡人: 陳中成 Dale Chen 會計師/所長
skype: Daleccchen
wechat: Evershiinecpa
電話:+886-2-2717-0515 分機:100

所長 Principal Partner:
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Mobile:+886-933920199 in Taipei;
Wechat ID: evershiinecpa ;
Line ID:evershinecpa;
Skype:daleccchen ;
Linkedin Address:  Dale Chen Linkedin

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